About Dominicana Republic

The Cuisine in the Dominican Republic
Culinary traditions of the Dominican Republic were built on a combination of European, African and local recipes. The main feature of it
the widespread use of legumes, bananas and other fruits (including exotic) in the original, combined with meat products and fish. This abundance of spices
used in cooking, at first glance, is huge, but this is not the case all the
spices are consumed in moderation.For frying bananas are used only a certain
kind of «Plantano» green and quite solid, do not eat them raw. The most
traditional are considered to be a thick soup with meat, rice and vegetables
«asopao» original stew, assorted meat, beans, rice, salad and fried bananas
«Bandera» (the daily food of the Dominicans, often replaces all the dishes on the table), a bit like a he «Puerco en puya» or «Puerco asado,» the abundance
of ingredients «service» baked in banana leaves meat with vegetables «pastel en Ohashi», roast pork,roast pork «Puerco en puya» or «Puerco-asado», the famous
stew of vegetables and meat in all possible combinations «sancocho» pork grilled with fried bananas and already quite exotic whole braised in a hole
carcass pig stew with vegetables and herbs chicken, tripe in the Dominican
«mofongo» and others.
As a side dish are used rice and red beans in all possible
combinations, cassava, banana puree wild onion «mangu» and various salads.
Constantly on the table there are cakes of casaba «Casabe» (both conventional
and with various fillings) and «tostones» fried bananas. Fish and seafood,
despite their abundance and diversity, are almost absent in the traditional
Dominican cuisine, but they recently in greater numbers appear in the menu of
cafes and restaurants. The most popular fish, grilled on a skewer or lattice,
fish fried with coconut crumbs, fish sauce «Pescado con coco» coconut milk, a variety of seafood «mariscos» crabs in a sauce «Cangrejo guisado» and others.
And, of course, the widest distribution has a variety of tropical fruits bananas, coconuts, pineapples, arable land, guava, mango,
green lemon «Zest» and other exotic fruits. They are used in natural form in
the form of juices and fruit cocktails. Everywhere brew good coffee, especially
good variety «Santo Domingo».