About Dominicana Republic

Dominican Cigars
Tobacco in Latin America was known from 1531 year. Then Indian tribe Tain cultivated and commonly used it. However, for a wide
commercialize tobacco production was supplied only with the arrival of the
Spaniards on the continent.
The first cigar manufactory appeared in Cuba in 1902, thanks
to one German businessman. The US embargo on Cuban products, as well as US
investment gave rise to the tobacco industry in the Dominican Republic. Already
in 1994 the Dominican Republic was one of the first exporters of cigars, and on
the list of importers of Dominican cigars stood Spain.
Dominican cigars are wrapped by hand and these are mainly
engaged in men, making it for many years, preferring this way of making a living. Dominican cigars passed the test of time and are a product of the
highest quality, and what you can see for yourself, having tried them. So they
can bring a lot of joy to your friends, if you will present them to them as a